Pupils from Oakleigh House School, Swansea, ventured deep
in the jungle to stage an evening of song and dance and raised £600
to help keep the buzz in bumblebees.
Acrobatic monkeys, flying bats, an anaconda and lithesome jaguar used
the school gym apparatus linked to the stage to climb through the tropical
jungle set while background songs were provided by Year 6 pupils dressed
in Um Jungle Patrol sweatshirts. After the break, members of the school
choir sang a jazz version of the story of the creation.
Headmistress Mrs Penny Cole said: “It was a sell out the hall was packed.
The environmental theme really encouraged the children to think about
how we should be safeguarding our environment and helping to protect some
of the endangered animals.”
Oakleigh House School has a special link with jungle antics. Eleven-year-old
pupil Elizabeth George, of Rhyd-y-Defaid Drive, Sketty, is ambassador
for Wales for Um Jungle Patrol, a national campaign sponsored by Um Bongo,
the tropical fruit juice drink, which aims to involve youngsters in conservation
projects while raising funds for endangered species at home and abroad.
Elizabeth, who has already helped raise money through the charity WWF
for threatened bumblebees by selling charity Christmas cards, holding
raffles and worked to revamp of the school gardens, said: " It's great
to have a chance to do something more to help the threatened creatures."
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